Chapters and other parts of the book are programmatically identified with ARIA Role and EPUB types
Clearly identify different content sections and portions with ARIA roles allows users of support technologies as screen readers, navigate more easily and understand the structure of the book. By doubling the corresponding EPUB Types, this ensures that all playback systems will be able to use this information. This is also useful information on the day when you want to update your content or publish it in a more recent or different format.
Ensure users of assistive technologies can navigate and understand the structure of the book.
Provide a clear identification of chapters and other portions of the book.
Use appropriate ARIA keys to identify different sections of the book, such as chapters
Document the ARIA roles used and their simplicity to facilitate maintenance and future updates.
Use screen readers like NVDA, JAWS, or VoiceOver to navigate through the book and ensure that the sections are correctly identified.