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The international code is available for all phone numbers

The digital book, regardless of its language of writing, is a searchable, downloadable and shared object from any point in the world. It goes without saying that all phone numbers mentioned in it must carry their international codes for the contact to be established without fault (especially in the case of travel guide, directory, international manual, professional book, or more generally contact information included in the body of the digital book).


  • Allow the immeditate use of the phone call regardless of user context


  • Start each phone number with the country code with two previous digits of one more symbol, e.g. ‘+33’ for France. Replace the zero, which may appear as the first digit, with the country code.
  • Present the phone number as a series of pairs of digits separated by a single space, or the first pair, corresponding to the country code, begins with a plus symbol, and the second pair contains only one digit, to harmonize the rest. For example, ‘+33 1 00 00 00 00’


  • For each phone number :
    • Please check that first the country code has two digits preceding of a symbol more, e.g. ‘+33’ for France.
    • Check that the zero, likely to appear as the first digit, is replaced by the country code.
    • Check that in its global form it is a series of pairs of digits separated by an inseparable space, or the first pair, corresponding to the country code, begins with a plus symbol, and the second pair contains only one number. For example, ‘+33 1 00 00 00 00’


  • Needs to be human verified.
