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The file format proposed for download is specified.

Specify the file format available for download (PDF, DOC, ODS, ODT, XLS, etc. allows you to anticipate the necessary software to open it on its reading terminal.


  • Allow you to find out if you can view the download files on your playback terminal.
  • Reduce server load by avoiding unnecessary downloads.
  • Improve accessibility of content to readers with disabilities


  • At the very least, provide a help page indicating the format of the proposed files if it is unique. u better, indicate the format for each link to upload a file.


  • For each download link, make sure that it is possible to know the format via :
  • some geometric information given in a help page;
  • information given in the context of the link: paragraph or list element is included, section title that precedes it, table header associated with that where available;
  • the title attribute of the link that restores and completes its libelity;
  • information given in the link libelle;
  • an icon has an alternative text indicating the format of the file.


  • Needs to be human verified.
