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Contents are present with sufficient contrast compared to their background

As with photography, contrast makes the represented content more readable.


  • Allow a good readability of the content.
  • Limit mental load during consultation.
  • Improve accessibility of content to readers with disabilities.


  • Ensure a minimum contrast ratio of 3:1 between text and background, as measured via WCAG2.0 algorithm


  • Either upstream (at the time of the design of the digital book) : Repeating contents whose contrast/luminosite difference with their background is potentially insufficient; Use a tool like Colour Contrast Analyzer to calculate the contrast ratio : click on LuminoSitee and raise the color of the foreground and then that of the second plane in the defined fields; Make sure the contrast ratio is higher or equal to 3:1
  • Either downstream : Use ACE and its error report. Please check the case in the “Errors” tab and search for “color-contract”. Follow the procedure described above.


  • Reported by ACE.
  • Needs to be human verified.
