The dates are presented in explicit formats.
La date de publication des contenus qui le nécessitent est indiquée
The title of each Content Document identifies its content.
Registry no. 015
Each decorative image is tagged as such
Renewal no. 022
Country is accurate for all mailing addresses
Registry #035
The underscore is reserved for the links.
Režim número 042
Internal and external links are different.
Registry No. 045
The file format proposed for download is specified.
Registry #047
All internal links to the digital book are valid
Reg. No. 051
Navigation is done in predictable order
Režim no.054
Graphic policy is consistent across the entire digital book
Renewal no. 055
Information is not supported only by color
Registry No. 056
The size of the clickable elements is sufficient.
Registry No. 061
The file size proposed for download is specified.
Register #048
Every language change is reported.
Renewal #038
Each link is assigned a title in the source code.
Renewal no. 039
Each graph is accompanied by its numerical data